Thursday, May 22, 2008

Chuck Will's Widow Calling in the Evening

I heard two chuck-will's-widow birds singing in the evening yesterday. It's the first time I 've heard them this year. I don't recall ever hearing them when I was very young in north Missouri. They probably were not that far north.

I particularly like the sound of the chuck-will's-widow and the whip-poor-will. We can hear both birds in the evening where I live in central Missouri. The chuck-will's-widow has a song much like the name, with a quieter "chuck" and then most emphasis on the "will's-widow."

I've heard the whip-poor-will and another bird, the nighthawk, for several weeks. The nighthawk is a similar bird and generally heard in town, making a short nasal call as it circles over parking lots and buildings, catching insects.

The recently released report for Missouri from the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation indicates that about 2.2 million folks watch or observe wildlife in Missouri. Perhaps several of those folks also like to listen to the chuck will's widow.

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